
Frequently Asked Questions

Find Answers with Ease

We know how frustrating it can be to have questions unanswered. That is why we decided to provide you with this list of most frequent ask questions. Hopefully, the questions you have will be answered here but don't be afraid to reach out and let us know any other concerns you might have.

Are you a commercial printer?

No, DCM manufactures pressure sensitive printing materials for commercial printers.  If you have a project or idea that you’d like to see displayed on our material, but do not have a printer, we would be happy to help put you in contact with a printer in your area.

Where are you located?

DCM is located in Fairfield, Ohio, just north of Cincinnati.

How long will your material stick to my wall?

If placed on an interior wall in a climate-controlled space; indefinitely.  We have wall graphics in our shop that have been in place for ten years.  Some of our customers have reported to us that they have wall graphics that have been hanging for fifteen years.  And the best part about all of this is that your graphic will remove cleanly and easily whether it’s been up for one day, one year, or longer!

Do you accept credit cards?

Yes, we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes!  Our products have been sold to printers all over the world.

How can I request a quote or place an order?

Give us a call at (800) 532-6462 or visit the Contact page of our site to send us an e-mail!

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